I hate when professors say they want you to really understand the topics they're teaching, and be able to think scientifically about those topics, and then have six questions about this small part of one of the topics that you don't remember going over at all in class. What I'm trying to say is, I thought I'd at least get a high C on my latest test, but I got a D. Two D's in a row, and there are four tests in this class.
In other news, I still really want to get back with my ex, and it's hard to get that out of my head. I keep thinking about how one of the reasonings for breaking up with me because of the distance was that my work schedule would not allow us to see each other much at all, since I always worked weekends, but now I'll never work weekends, so I could hypothetically see him every weekend. I wish I could tell if I want him back because I love him so much, or because new relationships are frightening. I'm thinking a mixture of both. It doesn't help that the girl I was seeing hasn't texted me in over a week, almost two, partially because there's no way we'd be able to see each other very often, since she does work on the weekends and has a more active social life than me.
And now it's late March, and I still have no idea where I'm going to live starting June.
I just can't wait for spring break so I can forget about all these worries and responsibilities for a week, and enjoy time with my best friend in Florida. Then I get to come back and worry about how much money I spent. haha
On the bright side, I just got a text from someone in my bio class, whom I consider to be pretty hard working and smart, and she apparently did not get that great of a grade, either. I mean, she probably got a C, but if all her studying and smarts only got her a C, then I don't feel too bad. So apparently we're going to form a study group.
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